Publish with us

Scandinavian Archaeology value popular science as a great way to share archaeological research with the public crowd. Our ambition is for archaeology to be enjoyed by all, and not hidden in archives and strictly academic papers. Your parents, grandparents, siblings, you name it, may always have wondered what it is you are actually doing? This is an opportunity to share your knowledge to others, in a simple, enjoyable way.

We are always on the look-out for new authors to publish with us.
We welcome all archaeologists to contribute, no matter if you are a first-year student or a well-known professor with years of practice. All we want is your expertise and your willingness to share your passion for Scandinavian archaeology with the rest of us. If you want to contribute with an article for our online magazine, download the document down below and follow our simple guidelines. We are aware many archaeologists are unfamiliar with the popular science writing medium, which is why we composed a document with a simple set of rules regarding this. Download and read through both documents and you are set to start your writing journey with us!

Important note:
This is a non-profit initiative, meaning there are no economical compensation for neither authors nor originators.

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] and we will get back with you shortly.

We are looking forward to receiving your work.